Results for 'Miguel Eduardo Ramírez Castillo'

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  1.  45
    Tratamiento Fiscal del Fondo de Previsión Social de la Sociedad Cooperativa Prestadora de Servicios de Personal (Outsourcing)(Taxation of Social Security Fund for the Cooperative Society Personal Service Lender).Miguel Eduardo Ramírez Castillo - 2012 - Daena 7 (2):10-23.
    Resumen. A la Sociedad Cooperativa, se le distingue por ser una sociedad mercantil con ciertas particularidades a diferencia de los demás tipos de sociedades, tan es así que se rige por su legislación especial. En los últimos años en México, se ha detectado un incremento de sociedades cooperativas dedicadas al suministro de personal, toda vez que el esquema fue considerado por algunos especialistas fiscales como una alternativa para las empresas que buscan disminuir sus cargas impositivas derivadas de las relaciones laborales. (...)
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    Trayectoria histórica de la formación inicial de profesores de inglés 1960-2019: el discurso de los académicos.Roxana Cecilia Orrego Ramírez, Manuel Fernando Rubio Manríquez, Ricardo Luciano Úbeda Menichetti, Sixto Eduardo Yáñez Pastén & Stephanie Natalia Castillo Ramos - 2022 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 32 (1):3-19.
    The origins of teacher training programs in Chile have not been addressed in depth apart from Vivanco’s studies. Even though these studies explore the development of these programs in Chile from a chronological perspective, there are no qualitative studies that consider senior academics’ narrations. This qualitative study reconstructs the trajectory of teacher training programs in Chile from a series of interviews with 25 academics in charge of these programs. Results were analyzed in three different periods: 1960-1973, 1973-1990, and 1990 to (...)
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  3. «El Cristo de Velázquez», de Miguel de Unamuno.Eduardo Malvido Miguel - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (311):1491-1502.
    El tema más acuciante de Miguel de Unamuno es la supervivencia tras la muerte. Para él, Dios es el que es Inmortal y quien puede inmortalizar al hombre. Según don Miguel, los cristianos declararon Dios al Hombre Jesús en Nicea con el fin de asegurar la vida perpetua a la humanidad. Esta solución desde la fe cristiana a la principal cuestión humana es tratada por Unamuno en su magna obra filosófica Del sentimiento trágico de la vida. El Unamuno (...)
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  4.  6
    Unamuno a la busca de la inmortalidad: (estudio Del sentimiento trágico de la vida).Eduardo Malvido Miguel - 1977 - Salamanca: Edic. San Pio X.
  5.  35
    Acerca del vínculo entre derecho, el estado y la democracia. A propósito de Habermas y su aporte a la metodología de la interpretación y aplicación del derecho.Miguel Eduardo Cárdenas Rivera - 2003 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 8 (20):81-104.
    This article analyzes the following matters: law in modern democracy according to Habermas; discursive theory of law; the role and importance of the relationship between democracy and a state of rights, the concept of liberty related with a coercive character and the relation between positive ..
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    Hegemonía en Colombia: caracterización y alternativas frente al poder global.Miguel Eduardo Cárdenas Rivera & Felipe Díaz Chaves - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (53):13-26.
    El siguiente artículo aborda la hegemonía que se ciñe sobre Colombia, mediante un punto de vista político que analiza el poder que ejerce la burguesía internacional y burguesía subordinada nacional sobre las clases subalternas y en particular la clase trabajadora colombiana. Se reflexiona sobre el l..
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    Consideraciones preliminares sobre la pregunta acerca del origen del lenguaje. Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph schelling.Miguel Ángel Ramírez Cordón & Javier Fabo Lanuza - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):635-641.
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    Sobre la construcción en filosofía.Miguel Ángel Ramírez Cordón - 2023 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 40 (3):643-655.
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    Pineda Canabal, Aníbal (2021). Le concept de non-contemporanéité dans la philosophie d’Ernst Bloch.Miguel Ángel Ramírez Cordón - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 71:239-242.
    Pineda Canabal, Aníbal (2021)Le concept de non-contemporanéité dans la philosophie d’Ernst BlochHildesheim: OLMS, 355 p.ISBN 978-3-487-16067-2.
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  10. DE SAINT-THIERRY, Guillermo: Naturaleza y dignidad del amor, Sígueme, Salamanca, 2023, 142p.Miguel Ángel Ramírez Cordón - 2024 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 43 (1).
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    Lifetime Mental Health Problems in Adult Lower Secondary Education: A Student Survey.Maite Aznárez-Sanado, Raquel Artuch-Garde, Sarah Carrica-Ochoa, Carlos García-Roda, Araceli Arellano, David Ramírez-Castillo & Gonzalo Arrondo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Environmental Impact Analysis as a Consequence of Cement Production in Villa María del Triunfo, Lima 2023.Alania-Vasquez Miguel Angel, Ayala-Tandazo José Eduardo, Gonzales-Rojas Wilmer Charly, Delgado-De la Cruz Nancy Maria & Bruno Seminario Angela Martina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1144-1154.
    The objective of the research was to explain the environmental impact in a district of Lima as a consequence of the cement production carried out by the factory in a traditional way. The study was conducted under the interpretative paradigm, with a qualitative approach, descriptive level, basic type and phenomenological design. The informants were a diverse group to obtain responses: eight people, including municipal employees and specialists, managers and residents. A semi-structured interview guide was used as an instrument and the (...)
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    Impact of the Information System and Emotional Intelligence on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Criminal Justice Modules of Piura, 2023.Rodríguez-Moreano Carolay Maritza, Alania-Vasquez Miguel Angel, Ayala Tandazo José Eduardo, Gonzales-Rojas Wilmer Charly & Calle Peña Edilberto - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1155-1165.
    The research on the information system and emotional intelligence in the corporate social responsibility of criminal justice modules in Piura 2023 analyses how the information system and emotional intelligence influence corporate social responsibility. The study, of a quantitative and explanatory nature, was carried out with a sample of 100 collaborators of the Criminal Justice Modules of Piura. Using questionnaires and ordinal logistic regression analysis, it was found that both emotional intelligence and an effective information system are essential to improve corporate (...)
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    The Importance of Human Emotions for Wildlife Conservation.Nathalia M. Castillo-Huitrón, Eduardo J. Naranjo, Dídac Santos-Fita & Erin Estrada-Lugo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Animals have always been important for human life due to the ecological, cultural and economic functions that they represent. This has allowed building several kinds of relationships that have promoted different emotions in human societies. The objective of this review was to identify the main emotions that humans show towards wildlife species and the impact of such emotions on animal populations’ management. We reviewed academic databases to identify previous studies on this topic worldwide. An analysis of the emotions on wildlife (...)
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  15. A Cognitive Theory of Empty Names.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (4):785-807.
    Ordinary use of empty names encompasses a variety of different phenomena, including issues in semantics, mental content, fiction, pretense, and linguistic practice. In this paper I offer a novel account of empty names, the cognitive theory, and show how it offers a satisfactory account of the phenomena. The virtues of this theory are based on its strength and parsimony. It allows for a fully homogeneous semantic treatment of names coped with ontological frugality and empirical and psychological adequacy.
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    On Problems with Descriptivism: Psychological Assumptions and Empirical Evidence.Eduardo García-ramírez & Marilyn Shatz - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (1):53-77.
    We offer an empirical assessment of description theories of proper names. We examine empirical evidence on lexical and cognitive development, memory, and aphasia, to see whether it supports Descriptivism. We show that description theories demand much more, in terms of psychological assumptions, than what the data suggest; hence, they lack empirical support. We argue that this problem undermines their success as philosophical theories for proper names in natural languages. We conclude by presenting and defending a preliminary alternative account of reference (...)
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  17. A Plea for Concrete Universals.Eduardo García-Ramírez & Ivan Mayerhofer - 2015 - Critica 47 (139):3-46.
    Este artículo trata el problema de los objetos creados que pueden ser repetidos, como las obras musicales y las literarias. En la sección 2 presentamos una serie de desiderata intuitivos que toda teoría debe satisfacer. En las secciones 3 y 4 presentamos un silogismo disyuntivo extendido. Los objetos en cuestión pueden ser o bien universales concretos, particulares concretos, universales abstractos o particulares abstractos. Mostramos cómo es que las teorías que consideran que son cualquiera de las tres últimas opciones fracasan. Por (...)
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  18. The Promise of Manumission: Appropriations and Responses to the Notion of Emancipation in the Caribbean and South America in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2024 - In Kris F. Sealey & Benjamin P. Davis, Creolizing Critical Theory: New Voices in Caribbean Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 61-81.
    In this text, I consider two examples in the history of emancipation and manumission of enslaved, Black populations in the Caribbean and South America in order to theorize a colonial mode of conceiving of freedom at play in the first half of the nineteenth century. This mode is marked by the figure of the promise, enacting a notion of freedom as a constantly deferred, external compensation. Indeed, instead of an immediate decision deeming the practice of enslavement and trade of human (...)
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  19. Trans-world causation?Eduardo García‐ramírez - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (246):71-83.
    According to Lewis, causal claims must be analysed in terms of counterfactual conditionals, and these in turn are understood in terms of relations of comparative similarity among single concrete possible worlds. Lewis also claims that there is no trans-world causation because there is no way to make sense of trans-world counterfactuals without automatically making them come out to be false. In this paper I argue against this claim. I show how to make sense of trans-world counterfactuals in a non-trivial way (...)
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  20.  49
    Towards Cognitive Moral Quasi-Realism.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2018 - Philosophies 3 (1):5.
    There is a long-standing discussion concerning the nature of moral discourse. Multiple views range from realism—according to which moral discourse is closer to scientific discourse than to fictional discourse—to anti-realism—according to which moral discourse is rather closer to fictional discourse. In this paper, I want to motivate a novel anti-realist account. On this view, there are no moral properties or truths, neither mind-independent nor mind-dependent ones (i.e., anti-realism). However, moral cognition results from the use of higher order cognitive abilities with (...)
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    Response to Stavros Mavroudeas.Miguel D. Ramirez - 2019 - Economic Thought 8:70.
    Read Miguell Ramirez's original paper Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy Read Stavros Mavroudeas' comment on Miguel Ramirez' paper Comment on Miguel Ramirez's paper, 'Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy'...
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  22.  24
    La práctica del lenguaje, el contenido y la racionalidad sin garantías.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (1):141-156.
    Faria (2021) presenta una extraordinaria discusión sobre temas que rara vez suelen entrelazarse en la tradición analítica: el cambio en el contenido mental, su relevancia para la validez inferencial y las consecuencias que esto tiene para la responsabilidad (tanto en la acción como en el pensamiento). La meta de Faria (2021) es defender que la impermanencia del contenido, la vulnerabilidad de nuestras inferencias, el azar y la falta de control en nuestros pensamientos y acciones forman parte ineludible de nuestra forma (...)
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    Is Semantics Possible? Moretti facing Klimovsky.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):75-85.
    Klimovsky (1984) and (1982) presents a dilemma against any semantics of natural language while offering an objection against the syntactist view of it. As a reply, Moretti (2011) offers a “minimally” syntactist solution to Klimovsky’s objections. In this paper I have two goals. First, I want to rescue Klimovsky’s general dilemma and his objections against syntactism. Second, I argue that Moretti’s way out of the dilemma does not fully succeed. The paper concludes by arguing that the dilemma is still standing (...)
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  24.  24
    El Arte de No Enseñar a Escribir.Eduardo Parra Ramírez - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:387-397.
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    Yo no Existo. Problemas para la Semántica Dinámica.Eduardo García Ramírez - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 56:393-414.
    According to dynamic semantics, what is said by an utterance of a sentence is determined by how the common ground is affected by the acceptance of such utterance. It has been claimed that dynamic semantics offers an account of what is said by an utterance in a context that excels that of traditional static semantics. Assertions of negative existential constructions, of the form ‘X does not exist’, are a case in point. These assertions traditionally pose a problem for philosophers of (...)
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  26.  20
    Aristotle on perception and universals: An extensional reading.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 38 (1):49-84.
    This paper offers an extensional account of Aristotle’s theory of perceptual content. To do so I make use of an extensional account of Aristotle’s notion of universals and related notions. I argue that this view avoids certain problems recently posed by Caston by showing how it can accept a distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic perception. I also show how perception of individuals is related to knowledge and universals.
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    Existenciales negativos como denegaciones metalingüísticas.Eduardo García Ramírez - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):3-29.
    Hay usos de nombres vacíos de los que no podemos justificadamente decir que el hablante está comprometido con la existencia de un referente para el nombre en cuestión. Estos usos aparecen dentro de construcciones lingüísticas de la forma ‘X no existe', donde ‘X es un nombre vacío. Sin embargo, los hablantes logran comunicar información no trivial e incluso verdadera mediante dichos usos. Según la tradición metalingüística iniciada por R. Stalnaker (1978), una aseveración de ‘X no existe' comunica que "‘X' no (...)
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  28. Lenguaje natural, pragmática y algo más. Nota crítica sobre Critical Pragmatics.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2013 - Critica 45 (135):75-88.
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  29.  15
    ¿Son el contextualismo y el relativismo un desafío o una vuelta de tuerca a la semántica fregeana? Acerca de Significados en contexto y verdad relativa de Eleonora Orlando.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2017 - Análisis Filosófico 37 (2):213-232.
    En su más reciente libro, Eleonora Orlando nos presenta una provocadora propuesta que busca cuestionar el éxito de la tradición fregeana en filosofía del lenguaje siguiendo líneas contextualistas y relevantistas. Este libro constituye una valiosa aportación a la filosofía del lenguaje contemporánea. Es una lectura obligatoria para todo aquel interesado en entender el estado actual de la filosofía del lenguaje. Además, la gran variedad de textos y posturas que lo comprenden constituyen por sí mismos valiosas y en ocasiones controvertidas contribuciones (...)
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    Sobre el sentido fregeano y el contenido mental.Eduardo García-Ramírez - 2014 - Análisis Filosófico 34 (1):77-100.
    Fregeans follow Frege in accepting informativeness and substitution failure as reliable criteria for the existence of senses as objects of thought. In this paper I show that if we accept this, we must also accept the existence of an infinite hierarchy of senses as objects of thought. This is a bad result since it turns Fregeanism into a doctrine according to which object-related thoughts either have an infinite number of objects as contents or none at all. This shows, against the (...)
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  31.  22
    The Construction of Logical Space.Eduardo García Ramírez - 2015 - Dianoia 60 (74):173-184.
    En esta discusión abordo la hermenéutica analógica de Mauricio Beuchot comparándola con la hermenéutica filosófica de Hans-Georg Gadamer. Argumento que Beuchot vuelve a la idea clásica de la hermenéutica como método de interpretación y no la juzga, como Gadamer, como una fenomenología de la comprensión. Sin embargo, Beuchot no atiende las razones de Gadamer en contra de concebir la hermenéutica como una metodología. Si se considera como metodología centrada en la analogía, la hermenéutica analógica deja de lado otros recursos interpretativos (...)
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  32. Aristotle on Perception and Universals: an Extensional Reading.Eduardo Ramírez - 2010 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 38:49-84.
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    El talante de los líderes presbiterianos en Colombia.Luis Eduardo Ramírez Suárez - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (177).
    El presente artículo explora cómo la Iglesia Presbiteriana en Colombia forjó su propia identidad como iglesia reformada, manteniendo características y adoptando cambios en su identidad y misión. Esta presentación se da mediante una investigación bibliográfica, documental y un análisis en la formación de los actores y las comunidades, sus prácticas, imaginarios y representaciones. Pone especial énfasis en el papel que jugaron los misioneros, la formación del liderazgo local, el talante de la mujer presbiteriana y la expresión regional del presbiterianismo, en (...)
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  34.  56
    No Reference Without Referents.Eduardo Garcia Ramírez - 2016 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 41 (2):211-226.
    Sainsbury 2005 and 2009 offers a theory of empty names that purports to account for the content and truth-value of all utterances involving them. The goal is to do this while offering a homogenous semantic treatment: both empty and nonempty names make the same kind of contribution to truth-values. The account is based on a new theory of reference that purports to be an alternative among nondescriptivist accounts. According to the new theory, there is reference even without referents. In this (...)
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  35. Poesía guanyadora.Eduardo Ramírez - 1999 - Dilema 3 (6):65-67.
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    Wookiee Statements, Semanticism, and Reasonable Assertion.Eduardo García Ramírez - 2010 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 35 (2):129-143.
    It is assumed that the content of an assertion is determined either by the semantically defined content or by the interaction of the latter with the context. Here I present a counterexample by means of the Wookiee problem. After considering several options I offer what appears to be its most satisfactory solution. This requires that we give up the assumption in favor of a view according to which it may be that semantic information does not at all determine the content (...)
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    El Despliegue de la Cultura en la Universidad a partir de diagnóstico inicial.Juan Miguel Castillo Toledo, María Mercedes Companionis Cobelo, Zenaida Vicente Portales & Lex Cervera Estrada - 2002 - Humanidades Médicas 2 (3):0-0.
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  38. Simulacion de la distorsion durante el tratamiento termico de Temple en piezas de Acero utilizadas en la industria automotriz.Miguel Angel Neri Flores, Hector Castillo Espinosa & Antonino Perez Hernandez - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Fernan Pérez de Oliva:" De natura lucis et luminis".Cirilo [Y.] Pablo García Castillo Flórez Miguel - 1983 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 10:121-140.
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    Multifunctional plasma membrane redox systems.Miguel Ángel Medina, Antonio Del Castillo-Olivares & Ignacio NúÑez De Castro - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (11):977-984.
    All the biological membranes contain oxidoreduction systems actively involved in their bioenergetics. Plasma membrane redox systems seem to be ubiquitous and they have been related to several important functions, including not only their role in cell bioenergetics, but also in cell defense through the generation of reactive oxygen species, in iron uptake, in the control of cell growth and proliferation and in signal transduction. In the last few years, an increasing number of mechanistic and molecular studies have deeply widened our (...)
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  41. Two Versions of the Mestizo Model: Toward a Theory of Anti-Blackness in Latin American Thought.Miguel Gualdron Ramirez - 2023 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 37 (3):319-332.
    ABSTRACT This article offers the first step in an ongoing project of revisiting the foundations of latinidad and lo latinoamericano by focusing on the exclusions enacted by the history of these concepts and the cultural and political identity that comes with them. In conversation with Susana Nuccetelli and Omar Rivera, the author focuses on two emblematic authors in the history of Latin American philosophy (Simón Bolívar and José de Vasconcelos) that are usually read as offering a novel, liberatory conception of (...)
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  42. Transversality as Disruption and Connection: On the Possibilities and Limits of Using the Framework of Trauma in Glissant’s Philosophy of Caribbean History.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2019 - Philosophical Readings 11 (3):152-162.
    What do we mean when we describe the history of the Caribbean as traumatic? Is it possible to use the term ‘trauma’ here in a more technical sense, or should we give it the less strict connotation of an extreme form of an event in which the past no longer stays just in the past and the future never ceases to demand something from the present? In this paper I analyze the image of the abyss, used by Édouard Glissant to (...)
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  43. To ’stay where you are’ as a decolonial gesture: Glissant’s philosophy of Caribbean history in the context of Césaire and Fanon.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2020 - In Jack Webb, Memory, Migration and (De)colonisation in the Caribbean and Beyond. Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London. pp. 133–151.
    The place of Glissant’s philosophy of decolonisation in relation to Fanon and Césaire has been theorised by some authors, but the emphasis has not been placed on the fact that Glissant refers to both his predecessors as examples of the absence of a link between the two tactics of resistance – un détour [a tactical diversion] and un retour [a return]. For Glissant, both Césaire and Fanon are still diverters and not properly producers of a new reality, of a real (...)
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  44. Aesthetic Resistance from the Andes and Beyond: The Possibilities and Limits of Anticolonial Sensing.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (1):114-123.
  45. Protestando contra todo lo que la belleza no es. O ¿por qué es tan bello el mundo?Miguel Gualdron Ramirez - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (9).
    En este texto reconstruyo una concepción decolonial de la belleza, a partir del pensamiento de Robin Wall Kimmerer y Édouard Glissant, de acuerdo con la cual la belleza constituye una condición del mundo que, no obstante, debemos cuidar. En estos dos pensamientos, provenientes de tradiciones diferentes, la belleza es tanto lo que se ve amenazado por el proyecto colonial occidental, como lo que permite su resistencia decolonial. Reconstruir la belleza del mundo es necesario y, sin embargo, imposible: su búsqueda implica (...)
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  46. Resistance and Expanse in Nuestra América: José Martí, with Édouard Glissant and Gloria Anzaldúa.Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2018 - Diacritics 46 (2):12-29.
    This essay proposes a new way to read José Martí's idea of "Nuestra América," one that focuses on the mode of the call for unity toward liberation and decoloniality. In particular, I offer the arguments for this Latin American unity that would define a collective form of resistance against our colonial past and present (Europe) and an imperialist future (USA). It can be argued that it is extremely difficult to translate the Cuban author's thought by itself to our contemporary struggles, (...)
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    Effects of Mental Fatigue in Total Running Distance and Tactical Behavior During Small-Sided Games: A Systematic Review With a Meta-Analysis in Youth and Young Adult's Soccer Players.Filipe Manuel Clemente, Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo, Daniel Castillo, Javier Raya-González, Ana Filipa Silva, José Afonso, Hugo Sarmento, Thomas Rosemann & Beat Knechtle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Mental fatigue can impact physical demands and tactical behavior in sport-related contexts. Small-sided games are often used to develop a specific sport-related context. However, the effects of mental fatigue on physical demands and tactical behaviors during soccer SSGs have not been aggregated for systematical assessment.Objective: This systematic review was conducted to compare the effects of mental fatigue vs. control conditions in terms of the total running distance and tactical behavior of soccer players during SSGs.Methods: The data sources utilized were (...)
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    Protestando contra todo lo que la belleza no es. O ¿por qué es tan bello el mundo?Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:161-180.
    En este texto reconstruyo una concepción decolonial de la belleza, a partir del pensamiento de Robin Wall Kimmerer y Édouard Glissant, de acuerdo con la cual la belleza constituye una condición del mundo que, no obstante, debemos cuidar. En estos dos pensamientos, provenientes de tradiciones diferentes, la belleza es tanto lo que se ve amenazado por el proyecto colonial occidental, como lo que permite su resistencia decolonial. Reconstruir la belleza del mundo es necesario y, sin embargo, imposible: su búsqueda implica (...)
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    Credit, Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy.Miguel D. Ramirez - 2019 - Economic Thought 8:46.
    This paper contends that Marx develops in Volume III of Capital an incisive conceptual framework in which excessive credit creation, indebtedness and speculation play a critical and growing role in the reproduction of social capital on an extended basis; however, given the decentralised and anarchic nature of capitalist production, the credit system does so in a highly erratic and contradictory manner which only postpones the inevitable day of reckoning. The paper also highlights Marx's relatively neglected but highly important analysis of (...)
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  50.  15
    El concepto de muerte como paradoja en la vía del conocimiento absoluto en la filosofía de F.W.J. Schelling.Miguel Ramírez - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 85:83-97.
    Se pretende analizar el concepto de muerte en diversas partes de la filosofía de Schelling, haciendo especial énfasis en las Stuttgarter Privatvorlesungen para establecer que el filósofo emplea este concepto con diversas acepciones, lo cual le lleva a englobar el ámbito de la esencia y de lo ente como ámbitos de muerte siempre con son considerados aisladamente. Ha de haber entre estos dos parámetros una instancia mediadora que conecte estos ámbitos inconmensurables, tratándose en este caso del carácter apofántico del verbo. (...)
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